ポピュラーベクター Mouse Hbb-hs-62.5


  • 遺伝子記号 Hbb-hs-62.5
  • 生物種 Mouse (Mus musculus)
  • 正式名称 -
  • 通称 -60HSs; -62/-60HSs; 5'HS-60/-62; HS-60.7; HS-62.5; Rr366623
  • 他名称 regulatory region 366623
  • 遺伝子の種類 biological-region
  • 要約
    This region represents two DNase I hypersensitive sites (HSs) that are located 60-62.5 kb upstream of the Hbb-y (hemoglobin Y, beta-like embryonic chain) gene in the beta-globin gene cluster. The -62.5 HS can bind the CTCF transcription factor, but it does not function as an enhancer-blocking element or as a chromatin barrier element in erythroid cells. Chromosome conformation capture assays indicate that this region is an integral part of the beta-globin active chromatin hub in erythroid cells, where it undergoes looping interactions with 3\'HS1, which is located downstream of the beta-globin gene cluster, and this folding further enables interactions between the beta-globin locus control region (LCR) and active beta-globin gene promoters. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2015]
  • NCBI Gene ID 106014248
  • 外部リンク NCBI UCSC Genome Browser View
No vectors are found in our database for this gene. We may introduce vectors for this gene in the future.






